It really isn't. Sorry. Those of you who used to read, and yes, admit it, ADORE (wink) my short but sweetly-lived cooking/family lore blog here at Barafare may be surprised to find this edition entirely void of food banter and my take on good family living. Mind you, despite the fact that Barafare has taken a year-or-so-long hiatus, rest assured I still somehow feel uniquely qualified to share more than my two cents about both. And I do hope to fully re-grow the little sprout again some day. But in the meantime, I'd like to share something unique and exciting that I'm thrilled to be taking part in this weekend, on Saturday to be more precise, at 2 p.m. at the Providence Public Library. Listen to your Mother is a live performance where writers/people who like to write/people-who-maybe-wrote-one-kinda-brilliant-thing-once (me) will be reading their beautifully articulated composite gem of thoughts and sentiment, some gripping, some hilarious, some awkwardly outrageous, about motherhood. I'm one of 14 in the cast. The experience of daring to audition for the Providence debut of this national production, then being selected and then fully lassoed into this gang of greatness has made a remarkable difference in me. Those close to me may have noticed... Is she a bit louder? More confident? A bit more silly and smiling? And why is she swearing so much? (I've always loved to curse!) In my work as a therapist I preach self-expression and "finding your voice" as if they're that magical mechanism that causes the last piece of landing gear to raise, allowing some massive plane to finally take flight and get outa dodge already. And you know what, it's true. I'm soaring. The piece I'll be sharing is tough for me to read but it is my own therapy, my healing, the expression of me as I am now. In reading it aloud on Saturday to what I hope will be a sold-out room I anticipate the awesome experience of seeing my warrior self come out and comfort in the most loving way the me that still feels broken after losing my parents. I'd be honored to be joined by my Providence community of friends at this wonderful event whose proceeds benefit The Family Literacy Initiative. (See link below for full show and ticket information.)
I haven't figured out why I quit writing my blog. But I have figured out why I started writing it in the first place. I used to think it was to document my attempts to cook creatively for my family. Now I know it was the start of something much bigger. So I do hope to write again here about food and family, cooking and my quirky take on things. And I'm sorry again that this wasn't about food - but maybe it never was.
WOOHOOO!!!! You soar, sister. So, so happy to "hear" the laughter in your amazing voice. You are brave, bold, and ready for the stage. I'm so proud I got to shapoopi with you first!